
Plasma thrusters



SPT-50 SPT-50М
Propellant Xe Xe Xe
Discharge voltage, V 180 180 300
Discharge current, A 1,25 1,25 1,0
Discharge power, W 225 225 300
Thrust, mN 14,0 14,8 18,0
Specific impulse, s 860 930 1200
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 16,1 15,2 16,7
Lifetime, h
Lifetime (cycles)
Mass, kg 1,23 1,32
Dimensions, mm 160×120×91 169×120×88
Development level FM FM



Propellant Xe
Discharge voltage, V 300
Discharge current, A 2,23
Discharge power, W 670
Thrust, mN 39
Specific impulse, s 1470
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 16,1
Lifetime, h
Lifetime (cycles)
Mass, kg 1,5
Dimensions, mm 198×146×98
Development level FM



Propellant Xe Kr
Discharge voltage, V 300 300
Discharge current, A 2,00 2,67 3,33 2,00 2,67 3,33
Discharge power, W 600 800 1000 600 800 1000
Thrust, mN 36 48 59 28 37 47
Specific impulse, s 1430 1530 1600 1380 1490 1560
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 15,2 16,7 16,9 21,4 21,6 21,3
Lifetime, h
Lifetime (cycles)
Mass, kg 2,6
Dimensions, mm 200×128×94
Development level ЕM


SPT-100В SPT-100ВМ
Propellant Xe Xe
Discharge voltage, V 300 300
Discharge current, A 4,5 4,5
Discharge power, W 1350 1350
Thrust, mN 83 90
Specific impulse, s 1540 1600
Efficiency, % 45 52
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 16,3 15,0
Lifetime, h
Lifetime (cycles)
Mass, kg 3,5 4,2
Dimensions, mm 225×150×125 200×142×110
Development level FM FM





Propellant Xe
Discharge voltage, V 300
Discharge current, A 15
Discharge power, W 4500
Thrust, mN 290
Specific impulse, s 1750
Efficiency, % 53
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 15,5
Lifetime, h
Lifetime (cycles)
Mass, kg 8,5
Dimensions, mm 305×249×109
Development level FM



Propellant Xe
Discharge voltage, V 150…300
Discharge current, A 0,60…1,5
Discharge power, W 100…360
Thrust, mN up to 22
Specific impulse, s up to 1300
Efficiency, % up to 35
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 18…21
Mass, kg 0,97
Dimensions, mm 100×90×85
Development level EM



Propellant Xe (Kr)
Discharge voltage, V 150…500
Discharge current, A 1,25…2,25
Discharge power, W 185…650
Thrust, mN up to 40
Specific impulse, s up to 1880
Efficiency, % up to 50
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 13…18
Mass, kg 1,2
Dimensions, mm 167×100×87



Propellant Xe
Discharge voltage, V 200…450
Discharge current, A 2,00…3,50
Discharge power, W 400…1200
Thrust, mN up to 72
Specific impulse, s up to 1950
Efficiency, % up to 55
Power-to-thrust ratio, W/mN 13…18
Mass, kg 2,5
Dimensions, mm 167х100 х87

Thermal catalytic thrusters


Propellant Hydrazine (N2H4)
Thrust, N 0,10
Specific impulse, s
-in continuous mode 204 – 214
-in pulse mode 179 – 204
Inlet pressure, kPa 172
Power consumption, W
-preparation and standby mode 3,0 – 7,5
-forced preparation 24,0 – 49,0
Mass, kg 0,4
Dimensions, mm 60×60×38
Throughput, kg, no less 10
Number of cycles, no less 70000
Warranty lifetime, years 7
Development level Flight model


Propellant Hydrazine (N2H4)
Thrust, N 5,6 – 1,0
Specific impulse, s
-in continuous mode 214 – 220
-in pulse mode 170 – 210
Inlet pressure, kPa 206 – 1030
Power consumption, W
-preparation and standby mode 10 – 14
Mass, kg 0,44
Dimensions, mm 110×129×67
Throughput, kg, no less 150
Number of cycles, no less 50000
Warranty lifetime, years 10
Development level Flight model


Propellant Hydrazine (N2H4)
Thrust, N 5,6 – 1,0
Specific impulse, s
-in continuous mode 207 – 225
-in pulse mode 170 – 210
Inlet pressure, kPa 206 – 883
Power consumption, W
-preparation and standby mode 10,0 – 14,4
Mass, kg 0,44
Dimensions, mm 110×102×54
Throughput, kg, no less 20
Number of cycles, no less 50000
Warranty lifetime, years 10
Development level Flight model


Propellant Hydrazine (N2H4)
Thrust, N 6,2 – 1,2
Specific impulse, s
-in continuous mode 205 – 225
-in pulse mode 170 – 210
Inlet pressure, kPa 206 – 2450
Power consumption, W
-preparation and standby mode 10,0 – 18,0
Mass, kg 0,44
Dimensions, mm 110×102×54
Throughput, kg, no less 20
Number of cycles, no less 40000
Development level Engineering model

Gas Thruster

Propellant Xe
Thrust, mN 9,3 – 6,4
Specific impulse, s
-in continuous mode 40 – 44
Inlet pressure, kPa 157 – 186
Power consumption, W
-preparation and standby mode 8,4 – 13,0
Mass, kg 0,22
Dimensions, mm 153×32×45
Number of cycles, no less 40000
Warranty lifetime, years 10
Development level Flight model
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